Star Wars Concept Art Shows First Order's Superweapon 'The Warhammer'

One of the biggest criticisms for Star Wars: The Force Awakens was that Starkiller Base was basically just a larger Death Star. As it turns out, there were other concepts for superweapons, and one of the them was the First Order Warhammer.

Check it out:

The ship doesn't look to be as big as the Death Star, but you can easily see that it's massive compared to the other Star Destroyers. We don't know exactly how it functions, but my guess is that it will be able to ram itself against planets and completely flatten entire cities.

A concept of a giant hammer weapon was actually used in the 2D animated Clone Wars:

With Starkiller Base, I was kind of hoping that the Resistance just ended up maiming it instead of completely destroying it. Now with Kylo as the new Supreme Leader, we have no idea what to expect with Episode IX. Hate The Last Jedi all you want, but it allowed for a finale to the sequel trilogy where no one knows what to expect.

Production is still ongoing for Episode IX, and everyone can't wait to see what's in store for what's said to be the final episode in the Skywalker saga. After IX, Lucasfilm will be focusing on a bunch of new Star Wars film which will come from both Rian Johnson, as well as the duo of D.B. Weiss and David Benioff.

Catch Star Wars Episode IX when it hits theaters Dec. 20, 2019.

See Also: Star Wars: Episode IX Might Reveal How Snoke Will Return In The Comics