Star Wars: Cassian Andor Takes Place During 'Formative Years' of the Rebellion

After a stellar first season of The Mandalorian, Star Wars fans are looking forward to the future of the franchise in Disney+. We know that a series focused on Cassian Andor is underway, and we've been getting little bits of info here and there.

While the Rebellion is kind of fully formed when we meet them in Rogue One, Cassian Andor will actually give us a Rebel Alliance that is still forming itself:

We've known for a while that Cassian's sister will play a role in the story, but I'm curious who these would-be mentors are going to be. Does Mon Mothma have a part to play when it comes to Cassian's story? I'm sure I would like to see more of Bail Organa. Maybe we can have more characterization from Rogue One extras like General Merrick or Admiral Raddus. I know a lot of people are hoping for a live-action version of Hera Syndulla somewhere down the line; you think Ahsoka Tano is too much to ask? Doctor Aphra? The list goes on.

For now it's still unclear when this series is going to roll out. We know that it's being developed at the same time as the Kenobi show, but we don't know how far along production is for both projects. Hopefully we get a significant update soon because I'd like to see more of Star Wars while we wait for the second season of The Mandalorian.

No release date has been set for Cassian Andor, but you can catch the first season of The Mandalorian now on Disney+.

Read Also: Star Wars: Rogue One Prequel Series Casting Teases Cassian Andor Origin Story

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