Star Wars: Boba Fett Looks A Lot Cooler In Galaxy Of Adventures Animated Short

Credit: Star Wars Kids/YouTube

Credit: Star Wars Kids/YouTube

If you ask someone to create a list of the coolest characters from the Star Wars original trilogy, there's a huge chance that they will mention Boba Fett. Unfortunately, the bounty hunter didn't have a lot of lines and was killed off almost immediately in Return of the Jedi. Luckily, a new animated short presents Boba as a man of action who defied Darth Vader's order of "no disintegrations."

The latest episode of Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures on the YouTube channel Star Wars Kids puts the focus on Boba Fett. Not surprisingly, the animated short depicts Boba as "one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy" in several action-packed sequences.

The animated short certainly makes Boba look a lot cooler, especially as he "disintegrates" a faceless opponent and flies around in his jet pack. We're also treated to a more action-packed treatment of what happened when Luke Skywalker tried to escape in Return of the Jedi.

Not surprisingly, people are loving the Galaxy of Adventures short and are hoping that Boba gets his own show where he can show off just how cool he truly is. For now, it's nice to see that there is a cooler version of what happened to Boba before Han Solo accidentally sent him tumbling into the sarlacc pit.

The description for the animated short series reads as follows:

"Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures is a series of animated shorts celebrating the characters and stories of a galaxy far, far away, featuring a bright and colorful art style, exciting action, and insight into the saga's greatest themes!"

What did you think of this awesome video? Let us know in the comments below.

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