Star Wars Battlefront II's The Rise of Skywalker Trailer Gained a Million Views in Only 6 Hours

While a lot of gamers agree that DICE has definitely ‘fixed' Star Wars Battlefront II, the game can't manage to shake off the terrible PR it got during launch back in 2017. What's great is, the new trailer for the Rise of Skywalker expansion is getting a lot of buzzes, and it made a million views in less than 6 hours.

This comes from community manager Ben Walke:

It's interesting that he should compare the numbers to the Geonosis trailer, seeing as the community kind of marks that trailer drop as a turning point for the franchise when EA had supposedly fixed Battlefront and players started coming in again.

With The Rise of Skywalker trailer getting this much attention, it can only mean that the game has a bright future ahead of it; either that or more players were keen to check it out this time since there are now more people in the community.

The new expansion drops today, but the new map is going to be available on Dec. 20 when The Rise of Skywalker comes out. No doubt it's likely to contain spoilers, and that's why DICE decided to withhold the reveal of the planet.

And though it was teased in the latest preview, we won't be getting BB-8 as a playable hero until January of next year. The dark side will also be able to take control of the First Order's BB-9E in lieu of BB-8.

Star Wars Battlefront II is now playable for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Read Also: Star Wars Battlefront II Mod Brings the Mandalorian to the Game

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