Star Wars Actor Ahmed Best Details His Jedi Character's Purple Lightsaber

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

After more than 20 years since his debut in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace as Jar Jar Binks, actor Ahmed Best will finally get his own lightsaber in Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge. Of course, each performer has had different motivations in their choice of saber, and Best chose his with a very meaningful reason.

In a recent post on Instagram, Best wrote that "balance is one of the challenges" on the show and is something he believes in. The actor's inspiration for his lightsaber "has to do with the balance of peace and justice," choosing purple as it represents the balance between red and blue kyber crystals.

"The leather on the hilt is large enough for one hand," he further explained. "I took inspiration from a Filipino Martial Art that I study called Escrima and Musashi Miyamoto for a one-handed style of fighting." You can check out the full post below, along with a photo of Best as well as his lightsaber's hilt.

Best will be using this saber on the game show, serving as the host and master named Kelleran Beq. He will be guiding players in their journey to becoming Jedi Knights. The actor will be accompanied by Mary Holland and Sam Witwer.

Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge debuts on this June 3rd.

Also Read: Star Wars Teases Debut of New Lightsaber

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