Sony 'Hopes' to Keep Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Credit: Sony, Marvel

Credit: Sony, Marvel

After hitting a few bumps last year, Sony and Disney managed to reach a new deal to keep Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thanks to Tom Holland's drunk phone call and talks between both sides, a third Spider-Man film will come out next year, and it looks like Sony even wants to prolong the hero's stay in the MCU.

During a recent roundtable discussion for The Hollywood Reporter, Sony boss Tom Rothman sat with Disney's chief creative officer Alan Horn where they talked about the said deal and the future of both studios and Spidey.

"The fanbase, which is important to all of us, seemed to really respond to what Tom [Holland] and [the Spider-Man crew] had done before and they like it," Horn said. "They like the fact that the MCU and Kevin Feige were involved." Horn says they heard feedback with regards to a suggestion that "joining forces once again" would be a "really good idea."

"I hope so," Rothman replied. "I think this was a classic win-win-win." He thinks it was a win for their studio, for Disney, and for the fans and moviegoers. "The only thing I would say about that is that news cycles and the rhythm of negotiations don't necessarily overlap," he added. "I think we would have gotten there and the news got ahead of some things."

Although Spider-Man will be sticking around, it is still a finite deal. However, it's good to know that both sides are happy with the deal they have come to terms with and that Sony has a positive response to the hero's possibility of staying longer in the MCU.

Spider-Man 3 is set to hit theaters on July 16, 2021.

Also Read: Tom Holland Opens Up About Saving Sony and Disney's Spider-Man Deal

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