Solo A Star Wars Story: A Closer Look at the New Falcon and Some Other Props

Like every Star Wars movie before it, Solo will include a lot of new props and setpieces that several artists have taken a lot of care to make, and thanks to Lucasfilm's creative art manager Phil Szostak, we get a closer look at the new/old Millennium Falcon as well as some other props from the set.

Check them out:

via: Phil Szostak/Twitter

Looking at the Falcon, you'll notice that it has the main shape of the ‘original' Falcon, but has a lot of sublte differences. For one, the radar dish is facing up, and the gunner turret has a single barrel. The Falcon also has a front piece which has been confirmed to be a removable section of the Falcon, and the four circles on the front seem to be underneath some cleaner-looking panels; not to mention the blue paint job.

As for other props, we have a look at Chewbacca's Y-shaped bandolier, as well as Han's signature blaster and lucky dice. Isn't it neat that Star Wars: The Last Jedi managed to tease the next movie by including Han's dice in the film?

We're sure to get more looks at the film before the release, but for now we'll just have to hold on to these bits and pieces of teasers.

Solo: A Star Wars Story comes out May 25.

See Also: Jabba The Hutt Rumored To Appear In Solo: A Star Wars Story

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