Skyrim on Switch Might Never Get Mods or Creation Club

Bethesda is known for letting fans run wild with mods for their big open-world RPGs like Skyrim and Fallout 4. The company even let players adjust both games with the Creation Hub feature, which started on Fallout 4 but made its way to Skyrim as well. While the PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions of the game have it, the Nintendo Switch port does not and it looks like it won't ever get it.

When Eurogamer brought the subject up to Todd Howard during an interview, he revealed that Bethesda was not looking into it and that the company might be too busy for it. Though Howard did say that he wants to see those features on Switch, no one is currently working on it.

"Right now we're doing nothing. People, they're on other things. Our Switch group did Fallout Shelter ... and that's done really well. I'm surprised at how well it's done...We would love to see it happen but it's not something we're actively doing."

The Skyrim port was one of the first games shown off for the Nintendo Switch, so it is a bit sad to know that it won't have features that the PS4 and Xbox One version have, despite the heavy promotion. Maybe it's due to the Switch's limited capabilities but whatever the case, it's still disappointing. Granted, the game is still a good one without mods, thanks to a huge world and countless quests but they do allow for fun possibilities.

Skyrim on Switch is available now. Fallout 76, Bethesda's next big game, is coming out on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on November 14. The Elder Scrolls VI has no release date.

Read:E3: Bethesda Shows Off Elder Scrolls VI Trailer

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