Image: Wizards of the Coast/ Art by Yeong Hao-Han
Today, Wizards of the Coast has confirmed that five of the ten Magic: The Gathering Shocklands originally printed in the first Ravnica block will be reprinted with new artwork on the upcoming set Guilds of Ravnica. As you can see below, the Guilds of Ravnica versions of Temple Garden, Overgrown Tomb, Watery Grave, Steam Vents, and Sacred Foundry have new artworks, and they look stunning!
All shocklands reprinted!
This is going to be the second time the Shocklands will be reprinted. They were also reprinted in the Return to Ravnica block in 2012. The other five Shocklands are expected to be reprinted on Ravnica Allegiance which will be out early 2019.
It looks like The Professor of the Tolarian Community College YouTube channel was wrong about one of his Guilds of Ravnica predictions. He said he didn't think the Shocklands will get reprinted in the upcoming set but now they know that they will be. They'll probably drop in price since this isn't the first time they're getting reprinted, and hopefully, this is the last time.
Guilds of Ravnica will feature five guilds: Selesnya (green-white), Boros (red-white), Golgari (black-green), Izzet (blue-red), and Dimir (blue-black).
The following set, Ravnica Allegiance will feature the other five guilds: Azorius (blue-white), Rakdos (black-red), Gruul (red-green), Simic (green-blue), and Orzhov (black-white). It will be released in January 2019.
Guilds of Ravnica will be released on October 5.
Related: MTG Guilds of Ravnica's Guild Kits Will Include Legendary Reprints