Russell Crowe Gets Candid on Joining Superhero Movies: "These Are Jobs"

Russell Crowe as Zeus in Thor: Love and Thunder
Credit: Marvel Studios

Russell Crowe as Zeus in Thor: Love and Thunder
Credit: Marvel Studios

Russell Crowe recently opened up about his involvement in superhero movies and the actors who have complained about their experience doing the projects.

The Oscar winner has become a staple in the superhero genre thanks to starring in DC's Man of Steel, Marvel's Thor: Love and Thunder, and Sony's upcoming Spider-Man spinoff Kraven the Hunter.

For the past few years, there have been several conversations about the current state of superhero movies due to the underwhelming box office performances and the divisive reception from critics on some of the releases across all franchises.

Some actors have also opened up about the difficulties of being involved in a superhero movie due to the complexities of the production and the general perception regarding its value as an art form.

Russell Crowe Believes Superhero Movies Are 'Jobs' and Not Life-Changing

In a recent interview, Crowe was asked to weigh in on Dakota Johnson's comments about her struggles when she filmed Madame Web.

He argued that actors should not expect any life-changing moment when they join a superhero movie and it's all just a "job" that they have to do.

"I don’t want to make any comments to what anybody else might have said or what their experience is, but... you’re bringing out the impish quality of my humour. [laughs] You’re telling me you signed up for a Marvel movie, and some f*cking universe for cartoon characters... and you didn’t get enough pathos?" the Oscar winner said.

"Not quite sure how I can make this better for you. It’s a gigantic machine, and they make movies at a certain size. And you know, I’ve experienced that on the DC side with Man of Steel, Zack Snyder, and I’ve experienced it on the Marvel side via Disney with Thor: Love and Thunder. And I’ve also experienced the [Sony-produced] Marvel dark universe with Kraven the Hunter."

Crowe added, "These are jobs. You know: here’s your role, play the role. If you’re expecting this to be some kind of life-changing event, I just think you’re here for the wrong reasons."

He also acknowledged the challenges of acting in front of a blue screen, but he never had any bad experiences doing the superhero movies that he worked on.

The actor made some great points about the value of joining a superhero movie although you can also argue that it can still be life-changing with examples such as Robert Downey Jr., whose career experienced a renaissance when he started playing Tony Stark in the MCU.

In the end, each actor will have a different experience and perception about superhero movies. But for the audience, the most important is the results and whether they'll enjoy the film that the cast and crew worked hard on.

What do you think of Crowe's remarks? Let us know in the comments!

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