Rogue One Gets Cool “Airship Slice” Mash-Up With Avatar: The Last Airbender

It’s hard to make a connection between Avatar: The Last Airbender and Star Wars. Though both share elements of the fantasy genre, the two are strikingly different. The Last Airbender is an animated television series where people can bend elements, while Star Wars is a space opera franchise focused on telling the grand story of good and evil through the different sides of the Force.

Despite its differences however, a Star Wars fan going by the name Ursinarium on YouTube has managed to mix Avatar together with last year’s Star Wars spinoff, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Somehow Ursinarium’s managed to splice in scenes from Sokka’s “Airship slice” idea with the Imperial Star Destroyer collision which broke down the shields on Scarif in Rogue One.  Check it out down here:

The there’s a stark difference between live-action and animation, Ursinarium managed to edit both scenes to give a full coherent sequence. It’s surprising how well the two fit, though some would have probably loved it if the Rogue One scene was also animated. Still, this video is pretty neat!

Rogue One gets a Blu-Ray and DVD release on April 4, 2017.

Read: Rogue One Gets Cool Fan-Made VHS Trailer Commercial

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