New MTG Secret Lair Drops Will Be Available as Soon as They're Revealed at The World Championship

Last week, Wizards of the Coast announced that they will reveal the new series of Magic: The GatheringSecret Lair at the Magic World Championship XXVI, but they haven't revealed the contents of the new print-on-demend series of boxes that contain familiar cards but with brand new art.

Since the livestream for the MTG World Championship XXVI begins today at 11AM Pacific, 2PM EST, Wizards of the Coast will fully reveal the new Secret Lairs at the event today, and they will be available from the time they will be revealed to February 16, the last day of the tournament.

So instead of a 24-hour window like how the previous Secret Lair products were sold, we get a week's notice, but fans will only have 3 days to order it online

The Secret Lair collectible sets group familiar MTG cards with fantastic themes and unique new art styles. The first series of Secret Lairs were released last December, and the Secret Lair: Year of the Rat was released last month.

Related: Andrea Mengucci Receives Game Loss For Registering Wrong Card at MTG World Championship XXVI

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