New Gods Director Says Darkseid Would Hands Down Beat Thanos

There's been a question going around trying to assess who would come on top in a fight, Thanos or Darkseid, and for the past few days Marvel and DC fans have been busy engaging themselves in heated debates and in long, exhausting "discussions."

Now, DC's New Gods director Ava Duvernay has decided to join in the fray. Retweeting a post from a fan saying that a Mad Titan-powered by all six Infinity Stones would still be no match for DC's Darkseid, Duverney decided to make a stand about the issue, positioning herself along with all of Prince Uxas' fans.

"A little louder for the people in the back," the director wrote in her post.

Check out the filmmaker's tweet down here:

A lot of Duverney's followers seem to agree. There are a lot of interesting fan-art and gifs being shared on the post, many agreeing with the idea that Darkseid would fully defeat Thanos while the Mad Titan has all six Infinity Stones with him.

For casual comic book fans who aren't all too familiar with the character, Darkseid is the tyrannical ruler of the planet of Apokolips. The character is one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe whose ultimate goal is to eliminate all free will and sentient beings by conquering the universe. The villain's main power is the Omega Beams, a form of energy capable of erasing living objects and organisms from existence. Darkseid became a staple Superman villain as well as an archenemy of the Justice League.

Who do you think would win in a fight, Darkseid or Thanos? Place your bet in the comment section below.

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