The Most Inspiring Spiritual Anime of All Time

The Most Inspiring Spiritual Anime of All Time
Credit: Studio Ghibli

The Most Inspiring Spiritual Anime of All Time
Credit: Studio Ghibli

Anime is known to cover all types of stories and genres encompassing action, romance, sci-fi, and more. However, there are also spiritual anime titles that invite viewers to have a more contemplative view of life.

As such, we’ve compiled some of the best spiritual anime that any fan could relate to and appreciate.

Choosing the best spiritual anime can be subjective because different people have different preferences and interpretations of spirituality.

Having said that, below are some anime that have been universally praised for their spiritual themes and depths.

  1. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya

    The film celebrates the beauty and wonder of the natural world, portraying nature as a source of spiritual inspiration and insight.

    The protagonist, Kaguya, experiences moments of profound connection with nature. Moreover, her journey revolves around questions of identity, purpose, and belonging.

    As Kaguya navigates the challenges of her newfound nobility and grapples with societal expectations, she embarks on a quest for self-discovery and meaning.

  2. Neon Genesis Evangelion

    Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of the most popular and beloved anime of the 90s.

    The series delves into the psychological and emotional struggles of its characters, particularly the protagonist, Shinji Ikari.

    The sci-fi anime questions the nature of reality and perception, blurring the lines between dreams, nightmares, and the waking world.

    It challenges viewers to contemplate the nature of existence and the concept of selfhood, echoing themes found in Eastern philosophies and mystical traditions.

  3. Princess Mononoke

    The film's protagonist, Ashitaka, embarks on a quest to find a cure for a curse inflicted upon him and to resolve the conflict between the forest spirits and the humans.

    His journey reflects a spiritual quest for balance and harmony, both within himself and in the world around him.

    Overall, Princess Mononoke portrays a deep reverence for nature and the environment, highlighting the connection of all living beings.

    The conflict between humans and the forest spirits (gods of the forest) reflects the spiritual idea of humans being stewards of the Earth and the consequences of disrupting the natural balance of the world.

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  4. Haibane Renmei

    This series revolves around a group of beings called Haibane who live in a walled town and possess halos. They are born from cocoons and have no memories of their past lives.

    The Haibane grapple with existential questions about their purpose, identity, and the meaning of their existence.

    Each character undergoes a personal journey of self-discovery as they try to uncover their past and understand their place in the world.

  5. Spirited Away

    Spirited Away is considered a spiritual anime because it explores themes related to the human spirit, identity, and the supernatural.

    Moreover, the film is set in a fantastical world filled with spirits, gods, and other supernatural entities.

    The film's surreal and dreamlike atmosphere, coupled with Chihiro's journey through the spirit world, evokes themes of change and transformation.

    Chihiro's experiences challenge her perceptions and lead her to a deeper understanding of herself and the world around her.

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  6. Natsume's Book of Friends

    Natsume's Book of Friends is an anime that focuses on empathy, redemption, and the interconnectedness of humans and the supernatural world.

    The protagonist, Natsume Takashi, can see yokai (spirits) that are invisible to most humans.

    Natsume's interactions with yokai often revolve around themes of understanding and reconciliation.

    He learns to empathize with the spirits' desires and struggles, which fosters a deeper connection between humans and the supernatural world.

  7. Mushishi

    Mushishi is set in a world where mystical creatures called Mushi exist. It follows Ginko, a "Mushi Master" who travels around helping people affected by Mushi while exploring the interconnectedness of life.

    The series emphasizes the idea that all life forms, including humans, are connected and influence each other.

    Mushishi stands out as a spiritual anime because of its reverence for nature and its ability to evoke a sense of wonder and introspection in its audience.

Do you agree with our list? Share your picks for the most inspiring spiritual anime in the comments below and follow us on Facebook for the latest anime news!

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