Mon Mothma Actually Prepared To Surrender To Palpatine During A New Hope

Mon Mothma might have been one of the Rebel Alliance's recognized leaders, however, it seems like the former senator had actually planned to give up and surrender to the Empire had Emperor Palpatine's Death Star successfully destroyed Yavin IV during A New Hope.

Lucasfilm has just recently published Star Wars: From A Certain Point of View, an anthology of 40 short Star Wars stories set during the events of the very first Star Wars film. All told from the perspective of the supporting characters in the movie, the stories give fans a closer look at the events of A New Hope.

According to Screen Rant, in the chapter Contingency Plan, fans get to learn more about Mon Mothma and the arrangements she makes for the rebellion as she leaves the Alliance headquarters during the beginning of the Battle of Yavin. As much as she would like to stay, the Rebellion leader had to leave Yavin because the Alliance still needed her alive to continue the right against the empire. Even if the Rebels would win the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance would still have to look for another base of operations because the Empire already knows their location on Yavin.

Now, while riding to Coruscant to speak in front of the Imperial Senate, Mon Mothma prepared for the inevitable. The Alliance's chances of victory were very weak, and even though she had learned that Galen Erso had planted a weakness in the Death Star, Mon Mothma could only imagine destruction and chaos throughout the galaxy. The former senator planned to give herself up and leave the work to the younger members of the Alliance, hoping that they find "their own means of rebellion" to break free from the bonds of the Empire and restore freedom to the galaxy.

Of course, Mon Mothma didn't really need to go through with her contingency plan in the end of it all thanks to the shot Luke Skywalker made right into the exhaust port of the Death Star, successfully destroying the battle station and winning the Battle of Yavin.

Still, it's pretty interesting to see how Mon Mothma had prepared for the worst, imagining defeat by the Empire.

We'll see more of the Rebel Alliance in Star Wars Rebels Season 4 on October 15.

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