Modern Masters 2013 Cards With Changes In Rarity

Here'sĀ a full list of cards with changes in rarity included in the first Modern Masters set released in 2013. Some cards do have a new art but some just don't. On my next article, I will include Modern Masters 2015 and when Modern Masters 2017 is completely spoiled, Check out allĀ the cards that shifted rarity:Ā 

  1. Terashi's Grasp

    From Common to Uncommon

  2. Mulldrifter

    From Common to Uncommon

  3. Death Rattle

    From Common to Uncommon

  4. Executioner's Capsule

    From Common to Uncommon

  5. Horobi's Whisper

    From Common to Uncommon

  6. Desperate Ritual

    From Common to Uncommon

  7. Grinning Ignus

    From Common to Uncommon

  8. Tribal Flames

    From Common to Uncommon

  9. Manamorphose

    From Common to Uncommon

  10. Bound in Silence

    From Uncommon to Common

  11. Otherworldly Journey

    From Uncommon to Common

  12. Test of Faith

    From Uncommon to Common

  13. Dampen Thought

    From Uncommon to Common

  14. Perilous Research

    From Uncommon to Common

  15. Petals of Insight

    From Uncommon to Common

  16. Street Wraith

    From Uncommon to Common

  17. Syphon Life

    From Uncommon to Common

  18. Warren Weirding

    From Uncommon to Common

  19. Crush Underfoot

    From Uncommon to Common

  20. Hammerheim Deadeye

    From Uncommon to Common

  21. Thundering Giant

    From Uncommon to Common

  22. Hana Kami

    From Uncommon to Common

  23. Imperiosaur

    From Uncommon to Common

  24. Moldervine Cloak

    From Uncommon to Common

  25. Walker of the Grove

    From Uncommon to Common

  26. Feudkiller's Verdict

    From Rare to Uncommon

  27. Take Possession

    From Rare to Uncommon

  28. Auntie's Snitch

    From Rare to Uncommon

  29. Mad Auntie

    From Rare to Uncommon

  30. Pardic Dragon

    From Rare to Uncommon

  31. Masked Admirers

    From Rare to Uncommon

  32. Reach of Branches

    From Rare to Uncommon

  33. Worm Harvest

    From Rare to Uncommon

  34. Epochrasite

    From Rare to Uncommon

  35. Auriok Salvagers

    From Uncommon to Rare

  36. Aether Vial

    From Uncommon to Rare

  37. Yosei, the Morning Star

    From Rare to Mythic Rare

  38. Keiga, the Tide Star

    From Rare to Mythic Rare

  39. Vendilion Clique

    From Rare to Mythic Rare

  40. Dark Confidant

    From Rare to Mythic Rare

  41. Kokusho, the Evening Star

    From Rare to Mythic Rare

  42. Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker

    From Rare to Mythic Rare

  43. Ryusei, the Falling Star

    From Rare to Mythic Rare

  44. Jugan, the Rising Star

    From Rare to Mythic Rare

  45. Sword of Fire and Ice

    From Rare to Mythic Rare

  46. Sword of Light and Shadow

    From Rare to Mythic Rare

  47. Vedalken Shackles

    From Rare to Mythic Rare

  48. Tarmogoyf

    From Rare to Mythic Rare

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