Metal Gear Solid Film Recruits Jurassic World Writer

It looks like the upcoming Metal Gear Solid film has taken a step forward into actually being made. Jordan Vogt-Roberts of Kong: Skull Island fame will be directing the film and Variety reports that Sony Pictures has hired Derek Connolly, who wrote Jurassic World and will write for the sequel Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Fans can only hope that he does the source material justice since video game movies have a really bad reputation.

Connolly has worked with Vogt-Roberts in the past, co-writing the aforementioned Kong: Skull Island with the director. He also wrote the initial draft of Star Wars: Episode IX with Colin Trevorrow, before the director was booted from the project for vague reasons. Judging from his work it looks like he could be a good fit for Solid Snake's first live-action journey,

Vogt-Roberts had previously hoped that his Metal Gear Solid film would be the first great video game movie. Most of them can charitably be called bad, which is an unfortunate truth that the director has been trying to amend. Now that Connolly is at his side fans can only hope that the movie does well and inspires more faithful adaptations.

No release date for Metal Gear Solid was announced or teased.

Read:Kong: Skull Island Director Hopes His Metal Gear Film Will Start Quality Video Game Movies

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