Maze Runner Star Dextar Darden Thinks Dylan O’Brien Would Be The Perfect Nightwing

Chris McKay's Nightwing movie is still searching for its lead star, and it looks like Maze Runner: The Death Cure's Dexter Darden is hoping that his co-star Dylan O'Brien might become the DC Extended Universe's Dick Grayson.

Speaking in an interview with Cinema Blend, Darden throws in Darden's name into the ring, saying that his Maze Runner co-star has what it takes to play Nightwing.

"He would be so good… So what happens is, Batman ages out unfortunately, in Gotham, and Robin just kind of grows up and just has the same resources, but a little bit more of a badass kind of edge to him… Nightwing is essentially a 25- to like 30-year-old Robin, and he's got this sick blue one-piece outfit. Blue, black, and he's dope," says the young 26-year-old actor.

Though McKay has been keeping fans informed on social media, The Lego Batman Movie director has yet to drop hints about who he's considering to play Batman's sidekick. The internet's thrown around a lot of names aside from O'Brien, and that includes musician Nick Jonas.

McKay has to pick someone who can do heavy lifting though, given that Nightwing will be a stunt-heavy film.

Nightwing doesn't have a release date just yet, but we'll keep everyone updated as soon as we get word.

Read: Here's A New Look At Brenton Thwaite's Robin Costume

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