Matt Smith Is Open To Returning To Doctor Who

BBC's Doctor Who might have named Attack the Block actress Jodie Whittaker as the new face of the Doctor in its long-running science-fiction television series, but it seems like Doctor Who star Matt Smith is hoping to return to the franchise in the future.

Smith played the kooky Eleventh Time Lord, becoming just as loved as Tenth Doctor played by the immensely popular David Tenant. Joined by companions like Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman), Smith easily won over the Who fanbase.

Now, speaking in an interview with MTV to help promote The Crown, Smith was asked whether he was interested in returning to Doctor Who. The British actor replied quite positively, saying that he'd love to make a comeback after giving Whittaker a few years as the Doctor.

"Why not? I'd come back. Yeah, you know, if the timing was right. I think we've got to give a few years to Miss Whittaker to sort of get the TARDIS under her belt, as it were, and then yeah, one day. Look, I'll be back one day when I'm old and gray…which isn't far off."

Whovians couldn't be happier to hear that Smith would want to come back. Not every actor who's played Doctor Who is happy to make a return. Tom Baker turned down the chance to appear in The Five Doctors back in 1983 and Christopher Eccleston also said no to showing up on The Day of the Doctor because of issues with BBC. Guess Smith just really loves playing Eleven.

Doctor Who's Christmas special premieres on December 25 on BBC.

Read: Christopher Eccleston Hates That Marvel Was Dishonest With Him About His Role In Thor 2

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