Marvel Teases New Guardians of the Galaxy Comic by Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw

Marvel fans were quite surprised when the publisher canceled the Guardians of the Galaxy comic book a few months ago. The group was still fairly popular with fans and the comic was a quality one from writer Gerry Duggan, who entertained fans previously with his lengthy run on Deadpool. Their adventures continued with Infinity Countdown and the current mini-series Infinity Wars, which has Gamora as the villain/anti-hero.

With the event ending in a few months, Marvel decided to reveal that a new Guardians of the Galaxy comic book would be coming out and that it would have a blockbuster creative team; Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw. Interestingly enough, they did so via the one-shot Thanos Legacy #1, which comes out on September 5.

As if having the creative team from Thanos Wins and God Country wasn't enough, Marvel also released a teaser with 35 characters and the hashtag of #WhoAreTheGuardians. Like all comic book teasers, it seems like Marvel wants fans to piece together who will make up the next group of Guardians. That or we're getting a weekly event with every character seen here ala Avengers No Surrender and November's Uncanny X-Men.

(Marvel Comics/Geoff Shaw)

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The teaser, drawn by Geoff Shaw, features a number of characters who have been a part of the group. It's not just the group of Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Group but members from the future (who debuted first) like the old-school Yondu who uses an actual bow. There are also some odd choices seen in there like Galactus, Beta Ray Bill, The Silver Surfer, K'lrt the Super Skrull, and other cosmic characters.

No release date for the new Guardians of the Galaxy comic has been released. You can get Thanos Legacy #1 on September 5.

Via Bleeding Cool

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