Man At Arms Forges Gamora's Godslayer Sword From Guardians Of The Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is almost out, and Youtubers far and wide are trying to get in on the hype. Man at Arms, a show about recreating pop-culture weapons, has decided to forge Gamora’s sword — which is apparently called Godslayer — and it looks pretty cool.

Check out the video:

It’s interesting how they had to lift everything straight up from reference images and decided to work on from there. When I make my props, I usually try my best to find some files that would give me exact measurements of things, but these guys just base their measurements of the images, referencing Zoe Saldana’s height and finding out the sword’s length from there.

The process is also incredibly complicated, but it’s definitely fun for anyone who into BTS and DIY things like me. Besides Gamora’s sword, the show has also forged Drax’s daggers from the first movie.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is probably one of the most anticipated movies for the year, and US fans can finally catch it when it hits theaters May 5.

See Also: Watch Chris Pratt Do An Interview While Solving A Rubik's Cube In 3 Minutes

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