Magic: The Gathering Fan Creates 36 LEGO Planeswalkers

Wizards of the Coast

To celebrate the new Magic: The Gathering set War of the Spark, an MTG fan who goes by the name RogueJedi6 on Imgur has created 36 LEGO figures based on 36 planeswalkers from the multiverse of Magic. The 36 planeswalkers are not the same 36 featured in cards of the new set but fans of the trading card game franchise would recognize the characters they're based from.

Check out the 36 LEGO planeswalker figures in the Imgur gallery below:

36 LEGO Planeswalkers! (And more)

Garruk and Daretti were not featured in War of the Spark but it's cool to see them here. As you can see, he used some parts from familiar LEGO figures like Karn's head is pretty much War Machine's, and Teyo's body looks like Luke Skywalker's. We also get to see two versions of Davriel, and his darker look is made up of Black Panther's parts.

War of the Spark is now available worldwide and on digital in Magic: The Gathering Arena.

Watch our latest Magic Arena video below:

Related: MTG Pro Player Yuuya Watanabe Banned For 30 Months & Removed From Hall of Fame & MPL

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