Magic: The Gathering: Amonkhet's New Masterpiece Series Revealed

Amonkhet spoiler season is here, and following the announcement about the mechanics and other interesting reveals from the new Magic: The Gathering set, Wizards of the Coast has revealed 16 of the 30 cards from Amonkhet's Masterpiece- Invocation series, and they include some cool eternal staples. The Egyptian-style card frame looks unique, and the art of several of these cards look brilliant. We can't wait to see what the rest of the Masterpiece cards are. Based on the collector numbers going up to 54 like with Kaladesh, it appears to be the same 30/24 split in Amonkhet. Check out the cards below:


Loyal Retainers

Dark Ritual



Force of Will




Consecrated Sphinx

Wrath of God

Pact of Negation

Aven Mindcensor

Chain Lightning

Cryptic Command

Amonkhet, the first set of the Amonkhet block, will be released on April 28. Prerelease events will take place on April 22-23, 2017.

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