LEGO’s Biggest Play Set Is A Mystery Star Wars One

It looks like LEGO's biggest play set is going to be for Star Wars. The Lego group has just recently revealed the number of pieces in the largest set to date in their brick toy line and it looks like the biggest set in LEGO history will be for Lucasfilm's massive science fiction franchise.

Taking to Twitter, LEGO just revealed the exact number of pieces in their largest set outnumbering the Taj Mahal's 5,922 pieces. The company hasn't confirmed what kind of Star Wars set it would be, but it seems like fans are going to build a Star Wars set with 7, 541 pieces.

That's certainly a lot of pieces, and though LEGO has rolled out massive Star Wars sets in the past with the Death Star, Super Star Destroy and the Millenium Falcon, none of these offerings came close to the 7000 plus piece.

There's been a lot of speculation going around online as to what the biggest LEGO set could be, with fans guessing that The Lego Company could either be offering a full version of Star Wars: The Force Awakens massive Star Killer Base and other guessing that it could be a new and improved version of the millennium falcon.

The biggest LEGO set is scheduled to hit shelves on October 1.

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