Last night FX aired the season finale to its visually stunning and critically acclaimed Legion, however the closing chapter to Noah Hawley's mutant series has brought in more questions than answers for fans.
This article will tackle the events of Legion's last episode for season one, so those who haven't seen the finale just yet are advised to steer clear of this article.
All gone? All right. Chapter 8 of Legion may have Dan Steven's David Haller fully free of the Shadow King, however it seems like the parasitic mutant has now latched onto Jermaine Clement's recently revived Oliver Bird. The two are headed south in search of something, bringing Aubrey Plaza's Lenny with them. That's not all – the post credits scene also has David captured by the Equinox Division 3 ordered in earlier in the episode.
Now, as fans wait for season 2 of Legion 2 to arrive, Hawley decides to talk more about the post-credit's sequence and teases what's next for the series in an interview with CBR.
"We want to keep the pressure on. Out of the frying pan and into the fire is a pretty good approach to storytelling on some level," he told CBR and other media outlets earlier this week. "If you keep the pressure on someone whose psychology has always been unstable, it's going to keep from being able to really — I mean, what he should do is go on a retreat for a year and just kind of be one with nature, eat three meals a day and take walks in the woods and learn how to be a person, the way other people are persons. But he's not going to have that luxury, because he's on to the next crisis, and I think that's going to continue to keep the pressure on him in a way that's gonna — that stress on someone who is disjointed can be very destructive."
"I think there's a proud tradition of that that Marvel uses on the feature side," he said, "and it's the beginning of another thought, so I wanted to give people the end song and the feeling of watching the credits to let them absorb the complete story that they just watched, and then tease them as to what Chapter Two is going to be."
Having The Shadow King invade Oliver's mind as he hits the road down south is bad enough, but having David find himself in the hands of Division 3? Now that's a double whammy. It's certainly going to be hard to wait for the next season of Legion.
Legion will return with a 10-episode-long second season sometime in early 2018.
Read: Legion Series Creator Talks About Show's Connection With Time and X-Men Franchise
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