Kevin Smith Offers Update on Long-Delayed Batman: Bellicosity

Kevin Smith is known as a fanboy and a movie director but the Hollywood personality has also been a comic book writer. He had a then-acclaimed Daredevil run during the early infancy of Marvel Knights and also wrote the controversial Spider-Man and Black Cat: The Evil Men Do, which reduced Felicia Hardy into yet another rape victim (thanks for that Kevin). Smith also wrote two Batman comics, Batman: The Widening Gyre and Batman: Cacophony, with one more called Batman: Bellicosity that has yet to be released.

Speaking with Newsarama, Smith confirmed that the artist for this comic, Walter Flanagan, has actually finished a number of pages for this series. Surprisingly enough, Smith ended up taking responsibility for the delay, claiming that Flanagan was almost-always free to work on some of these pages while he was always busy. Smith even brought up how he wrote a Hit-Girl comic recently.

"This red folder goes with me everywhere. It's got three issues of art with notes for me and Walter to go back into and finish. I've been carrying this folder for two years. It's not Walter's fault. He's free as hell. It's just a matter of me getting down to it. I feel incredibly bad because I did an entire different miniseries in the interim. Right after my heart attack, Mark Millar was like "Hey, do you want to do Hit-Girl?" and I was like, "Oh, I'll write Hit-Girl."

Personally, I'm not holding my breath for another Kevin Smith-penned Batman comic. Granted, Smith's previous Batman comics does have its fans and his story for Detective Comics #1000 was actually pretty good but I'm not a big fan of this particular saga he made. Maybe this will be a good finale? We'll see.

Don't expect Batman: Bellicosity anytime soon. Batman: The Widening Gyre and Batman: Cacophony are now available on digital platforms and comic book stores.

Read:Kevin Smith Shares Praise for WandaVision

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