Kevin Feige Vaguely Addresses [SPOILERS] Absence In Thor: Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok is getting all the praise and has been dubbed as the best Thor film, as well as one of the most fun installments from the MCU. However, fans that have watched the trailers have noted the absence of a beloved supporting character: Lady Sif. While she wasn't a major part of the films, fans did love the character in the comics, as well as her cameos during Agents of SHIELD. Kevin Feige has vaguely addressed her absence.

During an interview with Screen Rant, Feige was asked by those who've seen the film why Lady Sif wasn't in the film. He merely quoted Maz Kanada and said "that is a good question for another time," whilst not elaborating on what was asked. It looks like there is more to this than meets the eye so here is hoping this gets answered during Avengers: Infinity War.

Not seeing Jaimie Alexander's Sif in the film is sad since she is a longtime ally of Thor and was even a love interest in the comic books. Her interest in the God of Thunder was teased during Thor: The Dark World, but it was never elaborated on aside from a quick glare to Natalie Portman's Jane Foster, who isn't in the movie either. Director Taika Waititi did want Ragnarok to be a clean slate for the character, so a number of Thor's supporting characters were cut to make the film more accessible.

Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters on November 3.

Read:Mark Ruffalo: Thor Ragnarok Is A Beginning Of A 3-Movie-Arc For The Hulk

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