Why Did Geto Become Evil in Jujutsu Kaisen?

Jujutsu Kaisen Why Did Geto Become Evil
Credit: MAPPA

Jujutsu Kaisen Why Did Geto Become Evil
Credit: MAPPA

The first part of Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 focused on Satoru Gojo's past, including what happened to his best friend, Suguru Geto. But why did Geto become evil?

Due to the structure of the fantasy anime and manga, as well as the relatively limited focus on his motivations before Kenjaku took over, Geto's backstory can get a little bit confusing.

Spoiler Warning: There are major spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen below!

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At Which Point Did Geto Become Evil?

When Did Geto Become Evil Geto and Gojo
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Credit: MAPPA

Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto were good friends during their time as students at Jujutsu High, but they fell apart. Geto was a kind-hearted and honorable character until the death of Star Plasma Vessel Riko Amanai changed him.

Of course, his decision to become a curse user and abandon his friends and his earlier honorable endeavors didn't happen overnight.

While Riko's death was a starting point, Geto's disillusionment was gradual, as seen in the first few episodes of Season 2.

A series of actions and wrong choices that happened over some time led to his descent into villainy as a curse user.

So, Why Did Geto Turn Evil?

Why Did Geto Suguru Turn Evil
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Credit: MAPPA

It's implied that, as a teenager, Geto became disillusioned with the values he took for granted, or that he failed to acquire solid values, leading him to misplace or generalize the blame for his traumatic experiences.

So let's break down all of the possible reasons he turned evil:


Why Did Geto Turn Evil Self Righteousness
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Credit: MAPPA

Early on, Gojo calls Geto out for the self-righteousness that always characterized him.

This prevented Geto from seeing the bigger picture, understanding nuances, and, when needed, changing his opinion.

Failing to Save Others

Why Did Geto Turn Evil Saving to Save Others
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Credit: MAPPA

After seeing Riko, and later, Haibara die because of non-sorcerers, Geto overgeneralizes and starts hating regular people, believing that they are the problem.

While failing to save some of the people he set out to protect didn't shatter Gojo, it caused Geto to become disillusioned.

A Conversation With Yuki

Why Did Geto Turn Evil Conversation with Yuki
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Credit: MAPPA

It is believed that Geto's turn to evil actions was also unintentionally aided by a conversation he had with Yuki Tsukumo.

Finding out that someone else was also conflicted about non-sorcerers gave Geto another reason to justify his hate.

Ultimately, Geto's actions led to his expulsion from Jujutsu High. He went on to become a Buddhist priest under a false persona, offering to help cursed individuals, only to use them to collect money and curses.

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Are Geto and Kenjaku the Same Person?

Is Geto Also Kenjaku Pseudo-Geto
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Credit: MAPPA

While Geto undeniably did bad things, the main antagonist that we see more and more in the manga isn't the same Geto that Gojo once knew.

Geto's body is now occupied by Kenjaku, an ancient jujutsu sorcerer who achieved immortality by body-hopping.

For quite some time, Gojo and other characters believe that they're dealing with Geto until they find out about the latter's death.

Are Geto and Kenjaku the Same Pseudo-Geto
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Credit: MAPPA

Before they learn more about Kenjaku, they refer to him as Pseudo-Geto.

Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 will hopefully shed some light on this evil but intriguing character, especially in the Shibuya Incident arc.

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