Jude Law Reveals He Turned Down Playing Superman: "It Just Felt Like a Step Too Far"

All Star Superman Vol. 1 cover
Credit: DC Comics

All Star Superman Vol. 1 cover
Credit: DC Comics

Jude Law recently opened up about turning down the opportunity to play Superman in a canceled project.

The Oscar-nominated actor made his first foray into the superhero world when he played Yon-Rogg in Captain Marvel. His character ended up becoming the main antagonist that the titular hero faced in the climax.

There's no doubt that Law has become one of the most celebrated actors in the past few decades thanks to his acclaimed roles, and as it turns out, he almost joined the footsteps of Christopher Reeves to play the most iconic superhero.

Jude Law Reflects on Turning Down Superman Role

Jude Law as Yon-Rogg in Captain Marvel
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Credit: Marvel Studios

In a recent interview, Law revealed that he almost played Superman in the canceled project Superman: Flyby which would have been directed by Brett Ratner from a script by J.J. Abrams.

"So this is true. Yeah. And there was a process of flirtation going on, and I always resisted because it just felt like [off]. And I know you can say, 'Well, but you played Yonn-Rogg and Dumbledore!' It just felt like a step too far," the Oscar nominee explained.

"And it was when Brett Ratner was going to direct, I think. And they didn’t have a script, if I remember rightly. Did they have a script? I don’t remember reading one. This is a long time ago. They brought me the suit. They thought, ‘This might change your mind.’"

However, after doing the costume-fitting for the role, Law decided to pass on the opportunity.

"Anyway, I tried on and I looked in the mirror and part of me initially was like, ‘Wow, this would be a [good thing],’ and then I just thought, ‘No, you can’t – you can’t do this. You can’t.’ And I didn’t sell myself to myself," he said.

"And I stepped away and the film never happened anyway. So maybe it probably wouldn’t have done anything."

It's hard to imagine what Law's take on Superman would have looked like since we don't have the details on the script that they were working on.

However, knowing his talent as an actor, you could argue that he would have done a great job playing the hero if he ended up agreeing and the project moved forward to production.

In the end, turning down Superman wasn't a huge loss for Law and he still ended up having a flourishing career in the years since then as he continued to establish himself as one of the best actors of his generation.

What do you think of Law almost playing Superman? Let us know in the comments!

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