There was a lot riding on The Mandalorian to succeed, seeing as it was the first live-action Star Wars series. People were expecting movie-level effects, and Mando was able to deliver. Though the show is exclusive to Disney+, showrunner Jon Favreau teases that we could very well see Din Djarin come to the big screen in the future.
Talking to Variety, Favreau was asked on whether Disney+ series would start to intertwine with any of the films, to which Favreau said, "The line is blurring now… Things that you would have only seen in the movie theater, you're seeing on streaming, and I think it could go the other way as well."
If anything Favreau says he's in ‘no rush' to have The Mandalorian be more than a series, but he's ‘definitely open to it.' Favreau also added that he's, ‘excited to see where the story leads us and have that flexibility — because there's no rulebook now.'
For now, the third season of The Mandalorian is expecting to start shooting sometime before the year ends. While a lot of productions are having a hard time navigating the pandemic, Favreau shares that The Mandalorian is kind of unique in a sense that they shoot a lot of characters who just wear masks. He explains:
"We're in very small situations and oftentimes we have a lot of characters in masks… And we also have a lot of digital work that augments things. So we're a show that's probably well-equipped to be flexible based on the protocols that are emerging surrounding work restarting."
For now, everyone is just waiting to see what's in store for The Mandalorian Season 2. Catch the show on Disney+ when it premieres Oct. 30.
Read Also: Pedro Pascal Says He Spends More Time in the Suit for The Mandalorian Season 2