J.J. Abrams Says Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Critics are 'Right'

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

Following The Rise of Skywalker's premiere, the movie didn't exactly get great marks from critics. On the other hand, most of the Star Wars fans loved it, but the film is still a topic of debate. All the movie critics combined, director J.J. Abrams has the same response to all of them.

In a recent interview with Vanity Fair during a screening at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Abrams was asked if there's a problem with the fandom or people who didn't like how the film played out. He said, "No, I would say that they're right." However, he added that the "people who love it more than anything are also right."

Abrams then went on about pleasing everyone in the fandom with The Rise of Skywalker. He mentioned that pleasing all the fans should be something that everyone tries to do, but he poses a question of how someone would exactly "go about it," especially in the Star Wars franchise. "I don't need to tell anyone here, we live in a moment where everything immediately seems to default to outrage," he added. The director thinks it's a "crazy thing" that there is a "norm that seems to be void of nuance and compassion," which isn't just present in Star Wars, but with everything as well.

"We knew starting this, any decision we made - a design decision, a musical decision, a narrative decision - would please someone and infuriate someone else," he explained; which is why he thinks that all the critics are "right."

In the same interview, Abrams also made it clear that there weren't any problems between him and The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson. When he was getting The Force Awakens "up and running," he admits that he was "nothing but grateful" to Johnson for doing the next one.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is now showing in theaters.

Also Read: Star Wars Fans Have Mixed Reactions Over Chewbacca Actor's Reply to Rise of Skywalker Hater

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