Jared Leto Says He Has Never Seen Suicide Squad

Jared Leto has played some interesting roles in films, but the actor doesn't seem to care about seeing his own films, and last year's Suicide Squad was no exception.

In a recent interview with SyFy Wire, Leto talked about his refusal to watch his own films. He revealed that he never watched Suicide Squad, and has no plans of doing so.

"As soon as you watch it, that's when it becomes subjective," Leto explained.

Leto also said that he never watched his Oscar-winning performance in Dallas Buyers Club as well: "No, I never did," Leto said.

"I just think with watching your own films, it can be too self-conscious of a process," Leto explained "You either like what you did and you're prone to repeat it, or you didn't like it, and it can make you self-conscious. I'm not sure how much win there is for me. But I read the scripts, so I know what's going to happen."

Leto said that he's making a few exceptions. The actor said that he saw his part in Requiem for A Dream, and said that he plans to see Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049 eventually.

Blade Runner 2049 will be released in theaters on October 6, 2017. He will reprise his role as The Joker in Suicide Squad 2 and The Joker and Harley Quinn.

Read more: Jared Leto Denies Giving Used Condoms To Suicide Squad Castmates

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