Is The Walking Dead Pulling a New Lie With Negan’s Group?

While the comfort of a united front among Rick Grimes' group may have been the welcoming comfort The Walking Dead viewers needed following all the insane and insanely depressing moments in the first half, some may have already forgotten one key person missing: Eugene.

Remember Eugene? The big doofus coward with the mullet? Or, since he has started to take arms this season, the guy who became the unintended sacrifice to Negan's group and replacement prisoner now that Daryl is back safely within the group's reach.

For those who have been following the story thus far, Eugene is the character you still don't know how to feel for. The biggest drama in his storyline was lying about being a big part of the Human Genome Project, the organization dealing with the science-y stuff supposedly bent on saving humanity from the walker outbreak.

And then he turns tail and admits that it was all a lie.

Since then, his role as the smart guy in the group became all for naught, and was demoted to a coward who can't seem to get a break. When he finally did, he still ended up being snatched by Negan, and now enjoys the privileged life among the Saviors, as seen in the latest episode. However, speculation now points to the possibility that instead of being a fellow Negan and ally, he may actually be making good use of his great ability to hold up a lie.

Speculations from the latest episode show that instead of pledging loyalty to the tyrant, Eugene may be both enjoying the nice life while keeping an eye out for those who don't have the same standing as he does.

It's not even that much of a stretch to assume that Eugene may appear to fold under Negan's tyranny as the resident coward among Rick—when he may actually be looking for a good way to incite a possible revolt within Negan's own quarters. After all, Father Gabriel's character proved to us that even the most cowardly and seemingly passive people in Rick's ranks can be motivated to just move their cause.

We'll have to wait for his next move when The Walking Dead airs its next episode on Sunday on AMC.

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