Invader Zim has always been one of Nickelodeon's most beloved animated shows, even if it didn't have ratings like Spongebob Squarepants or The Fairly Odd Parents. The series had some fairly dark moments and offered some unique memorable characters so it's easy to see why demands for its return have always been prominent. This is why fans are pumped to find out that an Invader Zim movie is coming to Netflix soon.
Fans were already embracing themselves for the movie when Netflix bought the rights to screen movies based on Zim and Rocko's Modern Life. Still, there's no way fans knew that it would be showing this summer, which has a lot of people pumped up for their schedule. Let's hope that it lives up to our galactic expectations.
Jonen Vasquez, who created the cult series, commented on social media about the movie and is excited to see it come this summer. This is a dream come true for a series that was canceled fairly quickly after one season and should be a great way to give this show a proper ending. It would be nice to see the love and care for this series affect similar revivals but that's not always the case.
Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus comes out on Netflix this summer.
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