Ian McKellen Expresses Interest to Return as Gandalf on One Hilarious Condition

ian mckellen gandalf
Credit: Screenshot at 0:20 via the Warner Bros. Entertainment YouTube channel

ian mckellen gandalf
Credit: Screenshot at 0:20 via the Warner Bros. Entertainment YouTube channel

Ian McKellen revealed that he’s interested in playing Gandalf again in Warner Bros. Pictures’ upcoming Gollum live-action movie, though he has one main condition.

Recently, McKellen was asked about the new movie in a recent interview. While he hasn’t been contacted yet, fans are hoping to see him back as the iconic Lord of the Rings character in the upcoming film.

What makes fans excited is that there’s potential for McKellen to return, especially given his interest based on the interview, though his condition for returning is a rather hilarious one.

Ian McKellen is Interested in Reprising Gandalf on One Condition

The Lord of the Rings features an excellent cast across the board, but it’s fair to say that Ian McKellen as Gandalf is one of the best casting decisions made for the original trilogy.

Thanks to this, he returned as Gandalf for Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit trilogy which was a good decision as, for many fans, it’s hard to imagine the Istari Wizard not being played by McKellen.

With a new Lord of the Rings live-action film in the works, McKellen was asked in an interview with The Times of London if he would reprise his character.

There, McKellen said that he had heard of a new movie being in the works, though he said that there is no script or offer yet regarding it.

He also jokingly said that he is interested in returning as Gandalf if he’s still alive by the time the film’s production goes underway.

While it’s more of a humorous take on a potential return, this can still be seen as positive news for Gandalf appearing in the upcoming movie.

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The Hunt for Gollum May Bring Gandalf Back to the Big Screen

Tentatively titled The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum, this upcoming live-action film will be directed by Andy Serkis, and it’s set to be released sometime in 2026.

There isn’t much in the way of details currently as the script is still being written, but what is known is that it will follow Gollum, potentially during the events of the original trilogy.

This would make sense given that the 2009 fan film of the same name also follows Gollum during the events of The Fellowship of the Ring.

If this is indeed the case, then Gandalf appearing would make sense given that his story is intertwined with Gollum at points throughout the main story. Of course, we’ll have to wait and see if that’s what the story will end up as.

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