Henry Cavill’s Superman Spotted In Justice League Promo Image

Superman has always been one of the original members of the Justice League, however, after Batman vs. Superman had the last son of Krypton killed after a bout with Doomsday, Henry Cavill's version of Clark Kent has been pretty much absent from Warner Bros. promotional material for this year's Justice League.

Now a Justice League team image has surfaced online. Taken from Amazon, the image comes from the film's official calendar which features 13 posters that we hope will provide more Superman images once it's officially released. Those who'd like to have a copy of the calendar can pre-order on the site but for now, check out the calendar cover image down below:

While it doesn't seem entirely new, the image does assure fans that somehow Superman will have some sort of involvement in the film and possibly even in future promotions. The Man of Steel has been pretty much out of the recent Justice League trailers, so it's reassuring to see him up in a couple of the film's promo images. Logically speaking, the team would need Superman's help in facing Apokolips – the Justice League would definitely need all the help they can to battleDarkseid and his parademons.

Justice League premieres on Nov. 17, 2017.

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