Ghost in the Shell Creator Mamoru Oshii is Not a Fan of Joaquin Phoenix's Joker

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Last year, Todd Phillips introduced a new version of Joker in the form of Joaquin Phoenix's Arthur Fleck. While the film was successful in the box-office and even in several awards shows, it's got quite controversial comments throughout its run. Although some people enjoyed the movie and loved the new version of the Clown Prince of Crime, the maker of Ghost in the Shell isn't exactly a fan.

Twitter account otakujp recently shared a translated portion of an interview with Mamoru Oshii where he talked about his thoughts on Joker. "I prefer Joker in Dark Knight," he said. "This Joker is just unlucky and not intelligent."

Oshii says his standard for evaluating evil is whether or not the character is intelligent. "Out of intelligence comes evil," he added. "Despair to humanity is a precondition. Fundamentally, this film is not beautiful."

His final thoughts on the film relay his love of Hayao Miyazaki's work, that Joker didn't necessarily uncover a moment of beauty that even the darkest of films need. "Hayao Miyazaki says he wants to show a dream even in the film. I don't think so, but I don't want to describe dirty things as they are," Oshii said. "I dare to say, no matter how cruel it is, they should show us a breathtakingly beautiful world even for a moment."

While Oshii wasn't a fan of the movie, it is important to note that everyone has different opinions and views on Joker. For some, it might have delivered what they expected, but for others, they could be looking for something more.

What are your thoughts on Joker? Tell us in the comments below!

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