Get A First Look At Hot Toys' Spider-Man: Homecoming Figure

A lot of fans are excited for Sony's rebooted Spider-Man franchise starring Tom Holland, and the merchandising is just about kicking in for the movie. Hot Toys has just revealed their upcoming Spider-Man figure, and it showcases Holland's brand new Spidey suit.

It's only a single image, but expect more accessories to come with the figure ā€” such is the Hot Toys standard. I bet this version of Spider-Man is going to come with some alternate Peter Parker heads, a variety of hands, interchangeable eyes, web accessories, and web wings.

I also wouldn't doubt that Hot Toys is planning to make more figures in the line for the Vulture as well as Tony Stark's new Iron Man suit. Collectors may also want a figure of Peter Parker's DIY Spidey outfit ā€” the one he wore before Tony Stark gave him an upgraded costume in Civil War.

Expect more images (and figures) to pop up online as the release date for Spider-Man: Homecoming draws nearer. In the meantime, collectors can start saving up and planning space on their shelves for Hot Toys' Spidey.

Spider-Man: Homecoming is set for a release on July 7.

See Also: Chinese Poster For Spider-Man: Homecoming Is Trying Something New

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