George Miller Reveals He’s Developing A Brand New Mad Max Movie

It looks like there's going to be another Mad Max movie on the way. It's been more than four years since George Miller returned to the Mad Max franchise to direct and develop Mad Max: Fury Road and now it looks like the filmmaker is ready to work on another film for the post-apocalyptic franchise.

Speaking in an interview with Deadline this week to help promote his new movie Three Thousand Years of Longing starring Idris Elba and Tilda Swinton, Miller revealed that he's also working on the pre-production of a new project – the Next Mad Max.

"I'm not done with the Mad Max story and I think you have to be a multi-tasker and there's certainly another Mad Max coming down the pike after this," Miller said. "We're in preparation on that as well. It's an interesting question, the idea of multi-tasking. I discuss this with other filmmakers and I think what happens to me is that when you're working on one thing, and you get so distracted and focused on that one thing, it's like a creative holiday to focus on the other one for a bit. It helps you achieve that objectivity, to look at the thing afresh each time and say, I thought I was doing this, but it doesn't seem to be the case now."

This is exciting news. Mad Max Fury Road was a major success for Miller, raking in rave reviews from critics and doing exceptionally well at the box office. Right now, we can only wonder what kind of Mad Max story Miller plans on doing next. The movie is most likely a sequel to the story that we got from Fury Road, though we can't be sure what Miller has up on his sleeve. While Tom Hardy reprise his role in the movie? While Charlize Theron return as well?

It's too early in pre-production to say but it looks like Miller is planning to develop the Fury Road sequel once he completes his work on Three Thousand Years of Longing.

The next Mad Max movie has yet to receive a title and a release date but we'll update everyone as soon as we get word.

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