It looks like Game of Thrones fans were right the first time – Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) really had feelings for Daenerys (Emilia Clarke).
During the final episode of the last season of everyone's favorite bloody epic, fans got to see Daenerys and Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) finally giving into the sexual tension that's clouded them ever since they first got to know each other in season 7 of Game of Thrones. However, while Jon finally walked in Dany's room, a disgruntled Tyrion could be seen hiding in the shadows, discomfort showing on his face.
While some thought this was simply concern over the two leader's capability to lead after embroiling in a little lovefest, others thought that Tyrion was actually being jealous. And they were right.
According to Vanity Fair, dozens of scripts from Game of Thrones are being kept at the Writer's Guild of America West's liberary, and these scripts have been made available to the public to display for years. While the information's been available for years, the publication just discovered an interesting tidbit about the seventh season of the series – Tyrion really did have feelings for Daenerys, just as early as season 6's episode The Winds of Winter.
"He studies her face. [. . .] Dany is staring into the distance so Tyrion is able to watch her from up close. Goddamn but she is beautiful. [. . .] He watches her for a beat too long and turns away. Lost in her own thoughts, she doesn't notice that he's flustered," the script described.
The Lannister's affection only grows as the series goes own with the script for season 7's "The Spoils of War" highlighting his true feelings for the Mother of Dragons during Danny's battle with his brother, Jamie (Nikolaj Coster-Waldue).
"The brother he loves races towards his probably death at the hands of the queen Tyrion also loves," the script detailed.
Now, the only question left is what might Tyrion do now that Danny and Jon consummating their relationship? Will he act on his jealousy? Will he be drive to take his loyalties elsewhere? This romantic aspect of Tyrion's feelings towards his queen add another layer to the story of Game of Thrones, and we can't wait to see it all play out in the eighth and final season of the series.
Game of Thrones season 8 premieres April 2019.
Read: Game of Thrones' Kit Harrington on Whether He'll Appear in HBO's Spinoffs