THQ's Canceled Avengers Game Footage Surfaces Online

After a rough first trailer, Marvel's Avengers is finally looking like a game worthy of the current generation, complete with reworked character models and some fun-looking gameplay. While we've had some titles with the Avengers before, Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance comes to mind, this is the first game in years to just be called Avengers. However, THQ originally had plans to make a game that would tie-in to the 2012 movie's release, which ended up getting canceled.

Interestingly enough, some new footage has made its way online and the game continues to fascinate fans everywhere. While Square Enix's new game looks better - THQ's title was designed for the Xbox 360 after all - there's something about the dedication to a first-person camera that makes this feel a bit more unique and special.

We'll never know if this game would have been good or not since it was canceled and will never be released. That's just the nature of game development sadly, which is a shame since it looks like there was some actual effort put into this. It really is a shame that we won't be able to play this since Marvel wanted to improve their gaming reputation after various movie tie-in games that did poorly.

Marvel's Avengers will be coming out this September on the PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia. There will be a stream that will showcase more of the game later this month.

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