Flash Back Into Standard With This Blue / White Midrange Magic: The Gathering Deck

Ever since Smuggler's Copter and Reflector Mage got banned from Magic: The Gathering's Standard format, the resilient Blue-White tempo or "midrange" deck faded away from the competitive meta but it looks like a new breed of Blue-White is flashing into Standard. With Temur Marvelworks and other Marvelworks variants dominating the meta, Blue-White midrange looks well-positioned to take them down thanks to early pressures and its versatility to switch between aggro and control modes thanks to Spell Queller, the solid 2-drop Glory-Bound Initiate, and of course, Gideon, Ally of Zendikar. There are also some UW Midrange decks who recently got a 5-0 in MTGO. 

Now, the Professor of Tolarian Community College has created a video discussing the Blue-White midrange deck. He doesn't go deep into the strategy and sideboarding options but we get the basic details, including a rundown of key cards and prices. Watch the video below: 


This looks like a fun deck to surprise a field full of Marvelworks but I'm still not sure how this deck competes against zombies. This is one of the decks I'm considering for Grand Prix Manila but not the exact list featured in this video. I'll probably share some more thoughts about this deck after playtesting on my Facebook fan page here. 

So what do you think about the Blue-White midrange deck type? Is this something you'd run? Feel free to discuss about this and other MTG topics in our Facebook proup page

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