First Look at Incoming Map Felucia for Star Wars Battlefront II

It looks like Star Wars Battlefront II is continuing to embrace the Clone Wars this month. With the announcement of the arrival of Droidekas, we're also getting a new map in the form of Felucia. Check out our first look at the concept art:

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via: DICE/EA

For now, it's unlikely we'll get Felucia this month, but we could see the arrival happen some time around August. Hopefully by then we get some other new things, like hero skins or maybe more playable characters. I mean, how can we have Felucia without Aayla Secura or even Ahsoka Tano?

If you've played the original Battlefront II, you'll know that the Felucia map was kind of a nightmare. The campaign made you play through a mission where you had to fend of large Acklay beasts that moved super fast. I doubt they'll be a part of this new map, but I'm sure there's going to be some kind of neat nod. I mean, even the Hoth map teased Wampas and the Jabba palace map had a dead Rancor in the pit.


Though I know people are loving the Clone Wars content, I kind of wish they came back to giving us some more ST and OT content. I mean, since last year it's been Obi-Wan, Grievous, Anakin; where's the OT material? I'd like a The Rise of Skywalker event to help us get hyped for the movie.

For now, you can play Star Wars Battlefront II for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

See Also: Star Wars Battlefront II Will Finally Add Droidekas Later In June

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