First Ghostbusters: Afterlife Trailer Changes the Tone While Paying Tribute to the Past

The first Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer has arrived and it actually doesn't have too many spoilers, which is shocking since this movie is coming from Sony Pictures. Granted, the movie is coming out in Summer 2020 so there's a lot of time to spoil this movie whole if Sony feels like it's the right thing to do. Anyway, enough of Sony always spoiling their movies, here's what the trailer has to offer.

Rather than go for the all-out comedy approach that the 2016 reboot went with, Afterlife seems to be taking a more serious approach, bearing more similarities with Stranger Things or It than even the original Ghostbusters, which feels appropriate since Finn Wolfhard is in the movie. That doesn't mean this movie won't be paying tribute to the original classics since this is clearly set after the original films since the trailer hints that one of the kids is related to an original Ghostbuster.

Also, Slimer appears. Good look trying to get a clear shot of that thing.

Going with a completely different tone while still paying tribute to the past is a nice touch and is arguably what the 2016 reboot should have done. Just to be clear, it's not the all-female cast that plagued the reboot, it was the decision to go with the pure comedy route that worked for films like Spy but didn't jive with the reboot. Thankfully, some of the IDW comics have made the 2016 universe work but most of us will be happy to see Afterlife change things up while not forgetting its past.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife will be coming out in Summer 2020. Who you gonna call?

Read:Ghostbusters 2020: Dan Akroyd Confirms Original Cast Already Filmed Their Scenes

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