Fake Spider-Man Facts Are Dominating The Internet

Spider-Man's current popularity is at an all-time high thanks to Insomniac's new game Marvel's Spider-Man. Granted, the wall-crawler has always been one of Marvel's most popular heroes but the recent PS4 exclusive was so good that it somewhat revitalized the character. Oddly enough, this has led to people on the internet sharing Fake Spider-Man Facts.

The timing for these memes is fairly interesting since Sony just released Venom, which has been dominating the box office. While the memes don't really mention Venom, it's still neat seeing Spider-Man's internet presence grow for whatever reason.

Hashtag Roundup confirmed that these set of memes have been dominating Twitter, which is amusing, to say the least. Prior to this, Spider-Man memes were based on the 60's cartoon and often featured hilarious quotes mixed with some of the odd imagery that came with a cartoon that came from that era.

Most recently, Spider-Man had also been popular amongst gaming boards thanks to the photo mode that came with Marvel's Spider-Man. The photo mode for the video game was fairly extensive, having multiple frames and plenty of designs that players can use for selfies. These aren't used for the Fake Spider-Man Facts for some reason but expect some soon.

As for Venom, the movie has done well in the box office, despite how critics felt about it. Most audiences seemed to enjoy the film as a fun popcorn movie, even though the story was pretty generic. It seems like the symbiote anti-hero doesn't need Spider-Man to be successful after all.

Venom is currently showing in theaters. Marvel's Spider-Man is available now, exclusively on PS4.

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