Emperor Palpatine Could Temporarily be Removed from Star Wars Battlefront II

It may not have had the best launch, but Star Wars Battlefront II is slowly improving, and that's thanks to the developers at DICE. The game has just recently gotten a new patch, but the developers are planning on doing some ‘hotfixes.' Apparently, they are planning on removing Palpatine from the game temporarily because he needs to be balanced better.

This was posted on the SWBFII subreddit:

We plan to execute our Kill Switch (KS) for [Emperor Palpatine]. This means he will be removed from the game. He will be disabled until a hotfix can be deployed. We don't take this decision lightly, but we feel it is in the best interest for everyone until a fix can be deployed.

With four more characters incoming later this year, it's best that DICE try to work out the kinks with Palpatine. For now, a lot of players are complaining that the Emperor is a tad overpowered. Hopefully he's back in the roster by the time the new heroes arrive. Best case scenario, he doesn't even need to be pulled out at all.

Though Battlefront II has a considerably populated community, a lot of gamers are kind of irritated that updates for the game have not been as frequent as advertised. This is said to be because of EA reassigning the developers to work on other games—resulting in a small skeleton crew to try and keep the game alive.

Personally, I'm enjoying the game, but the updates really do need to be more frequent in order to keep the players interested. I'm happy the progression system is fixed, but how is it that certain goods are still available only via loot boxes when there's no way to get those anymore?

Star Wars Battlefront II is available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

See Also: BTS Clip for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Showcases Motion Capture

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