Does Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker Confirm Rey's Lineage?

Star Wars: Episode IX is officially Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker and fans are going crazy over that huge title reveal. Add Luke Skywalker's cryptic narration about no one really dying and Emperor Palpatine's laugh before the logo being shown and you have the recipe for how to do a teaser trailer right. It shows so much but tells us so little and we don't know why other companies would want to launch another film in December.

Now that the title has been revealed, does this retcon that huge revelation from The Last Jedi and reveal Rey's lineage as a Skywalker? It's too hard to say if we're being honest.

The Force Awakens was the most straightforward title since it's about The Force literally awakening inside Rey. However, The Last Jedi wasn't about the order's extinction but was actually about looking forward to the future, with even more Jedi coming. Rise of Skywalker is something fans are going to pick at and theorize about until the movie comes out and even then, fans will have something to say about it afterward.

Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker (man that feels good to say) comes out on December 20.

Read: Star Wars: Episode IX Official Trailer, Title Finally Released

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Star Wars: Episode IX