Does Magia Azul Turn Evil in Gushing over Magical Girls? Is She a Traitor?

Does Magia Azul Turn Evil in Gushing Over Magical Girls
Credit: Asahi Production

Does Magia Azul Turn Evil in Gushing Over Magical Girls
Credit: Asahi Production

Tres Magia is composed of three lovely girls fighting against the villainous organization of Enormita. One of them is Magia Azul, whose real identity is Minakami Sayo. As the plot unfolds, does Magia Azul turn evil in Gushing Over Magical Girls?

Spoiler Warning: This article includes spoilers for Gushing Over Magical Girls, so proceed with caution.

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Who Is Magia Azul in Gushing Over Magical Girls?

Does Magia Azul Turn Evil in Gushing Over Magical Girls
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Credit: Asahi Production

Magia Azul is none other than Minakami Sayo. She is a shrine maiden, characterized by her calm and composed demeanor, unlike Haruka, who’s always carefree and outgoing, and Kaoruko, who’s known for being edgy and unladylike.

Before Sayo became a magical girl, she was already a very helpful and brave person.

In fact, Sayo can sacrifice her own life for another person in times of trouble. She has all the qualities needed for a magical girl, even though she thinks little of her potential.

As one of the Tres Magia, Azul has the power to manipulate condensation. She uses the air’s moisture to turn it into swords made of ice.

She can also use it to freeze her enemies, similar to what she did to Magia Baiser during their late-night encounter.

Like the rest of the group, Azul also has a recognition inhibition ability, which prevents her enemies and other people from recognizing her true identity out of the magical girl outfit.

Does Magia Azul Turn Evil in Gushing Over Magical Girls?

Does Magia Azul Turn Evil in Gushing Over Magical Girls
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Credit: Asahi Production

As of writing, Magia Azul is still fighting for the good side in Gushing Over Magical Girls.

However, Azul hides a masochistic side from Magenta and Sulfur after receiving perverse punishments from Magia Baiser.

She likes the thrill of Magia Baiser's perverse punishments to the extent that she gets pleasure from them.

As shown in episode 7, Azul tried to fight Magia Baiser, but not until the latter started doing perverted things to the former again.

Azul tried to resist, but her body was telling her otherwise. The more punishment Azul receives from Magia Baiser, the happier she becomes.

After Magia Baiser knocked some sense into Azul, she tried to train her mind and body as much as she could.

Unfortunately, Azul never recovers. She will even get jealous of Sulfur and Magenta, who also receive punishments from Magia Baiser.

This obsession led Azul to obtain a new transformation ability called La Verita.

Of course, Haruka thinks this transformation is brought about by Azul’s training and hard work, but in reality, it’s all about her obsession with Magia Baiser’s punishments.

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