Disney Doesn't Expect Rogue One: A Star Wars Story To Perform as Well as The Force Awakens

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is one of the most highly-anticipated films coming this year, but Disney doesn't expect Gareth Edwards' spinoff to match the same level of box office success garnered by last year's Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which is now the third highest-grossing film in history with over $2 billion in global sales.

At the Goldman Sachs conference (via Variety) on Wednesday, Disney chief Bob Iger told investors,"We never felt it would do the level that Force Awakens did," then Iger noted that the response to the Rogue One marketing materials have been incredibly positive, "The level of interest [in Rogue One] is as high as it was for Force Awakens."

The Disney CEO also said that he has seen a rough cut of Rogue One, saying "it's really interesting in terms of Star Wars storytelling". In addition to Rogue One and the Han Solo standalone films, Variety adds that Disney has found a writer for a third Star Wars Story film set to release in 2020.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is set to release in theaters on December 16, 2016.

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