Deadpool 2: How Josh Brolin Got The Role Of Cable

Fans were pleasantly surprised when Josh Brolin was cast as Cable for Deadpool 2 since most people didn't expect it. Brolin had already agreed to play as Thanos for Avengers: Infinity War and its sequel, so no one expected to see him play as Cable. Turns out that Fox didn't expect to get Brolin either, making this a very happy accident.

During an interview with Collider, Brolin revealed that he wasn't considered for the part at first. His casting came out of left field apparently, because most people thought he was busy with George and Tammy. Delays were made for that film, which resulted in some free time in his schedule, making him free for Deadpool 2. He was soon offered the deal and the rest is history.

The actor also revealed that he will likely reprise his role as Cable for the next two years, which is exciting to hear. Cable was a big part of X-Force so there's a good chance that he will be in the X-Force film, possibly with Deadpool. Interestingly enough, X-Force was a sequel to New Mutants in the original comics, though they won't have any relation in the films aside from mutants.

Deadpool 2 recently wrapped production. The film hits theaters on June 1, 2018.


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